
Past Events

Does your company want to implement a data governance program?
Don’t know where to begin?
What are the biggest data governance issues facing your company?

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Hosted by:

  • Choice Hotels
  • 6811 East Mayo Blvd
  • Phoenix, AZ 85054


Click here for a map to Choice Hotels

We are very excited to announce our next general session focusing on DATA GOVERNANCE. This session, to be held on Thursday August 25th hosted by Choice Hotels, will feature a panel discussion on one of the hottest topics in data management. We will feature the expertise of our very own DAMA – Phoenix chapter members who have had hands-on experience implementing data governance programs. Each panelist will have the opportunity to give a short presentation on their data governance experiences. The session will continue with a moderated Q&A including a combination of prepared questions and questions taken from our attendees.


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The role of Data Governance in Business Process Re-engineering

A life insurance company in Canada brought in a business architect to reengineer business processes – but they soon discovered that the problem was the data and the systems that created and used the data. Data Governance provided the empowerment, authority, oversight to make the necessary changes.

Process, Procedures & Tools in a Top Down Approach SRP’s Voyage Toward Enterprise information Governance (EIG) ta Governance: Bumps along the way
  • Business drivers for MDM
  • MDM Framework
  • MDM Governance
  • Role of metrics
Pete Stiglich is the president of DAMA Phoenix and is a highly experienced Enterprise Information Management (EIM) consultant, trainer, writer, and presenter. He has nearly 25 years of IT experience, with over 15 years of EIM experience in Data Architecture, Data Modeling, DW/BI, Meta Data Management, Data Quality improvement, Data Governance and Stewardship, and other EIM disciplines. He is a listed expert for SearchDataManagement in the fields of Data Modeling and Data Warehousing. Kathy Erickson is a Data Governance Senior Manager in the Global Merchant Services organization at American Express (AXP). With 16 months in this business role, she has developed standards, best practices and processes to maximize data potential. Key implementations include an operating model with roles & responsibilities, business glossary, data stewardship and data profiling. Prior to this role, she spent 13 years in the AXP Chief Technology organization and was instrumental in the Data Management Roadmap highlighting enterprise strengths and opportunities; and piloting a Getting Started Guide to Data Governance with various lines of business.

Kathy has 25 years experience in Technologies and Data Management as a Business Analyst, Data Architect, Database Administrator, Director and Expert Architect; all with financial services organizations such as AXP, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase.

Terry Mooney is the Manager of Information Consulting Services at Salt River Project (SRP), the 3rd largest public electric utility in the United States.

Terry has over 25 years of utility experience, working in various roles within both the power and water business areas. She has over 10 years of Information Management experience, including taxonomy/ontology development, information analysis, information scorecard creation, data modeling and design, data quality, master data management, content and classification management, metadata management, and service oriented information integration.

Terry manages a new IT department comprised of information management scientists and practitioners who recommend and implement best practice solutions related to managing both structured and unstructured information. Her current initiative focuses on improving value and mitigating risks associated with SRP’s information assets.

Peggy Schlesinger is working in Business Intelligence Data Management at Intel Corporation and a Certified Master Enterprise Architect. She has been involved in establishing the Data Governance for the Business Intelligence environment. She has over 25 years experience in various aspects of data management; has worked in a number of corporations using a variety of methodologies, has a Master’s in Business with an MIS concentration, and has published several papers presented at technical conferences. Peggy has an appreciation of the practical aspects of implementing methodologies that are complete and support the development activity. Joe Danielewicz spent 28 years at various business units of Motorola in data architecture, enterprise architecture and systems integration. Mr. Danielewicz is currently an independent consultant specializing in MDM